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August 6, 2009

Square iPhone Payment System

Una de las muchas aplicaciones que hay para el iPhone: Un sistema de cobro co tarjeta de crédito. Solo usa un pequeño dispositivo que se conecta a la salida de audio del iPhone o iPod Touch. Con el lector, transfiere la información de la tarjeta a un software que procesa el pago; abonandose directamente en la cuenta bancaria.

 Bastante interesante el proyecto...

Square iPhone Payment System by Josh Rubin


A project codenamed "Square" is the brand new iPhone-based payment processing system that's currently being alpha tested at the also brand new Self Edge NYC. In addition to keeping the process paperless, Square makes check-out clean and easy. The innovation is in a small, plastic card reader that fits in to the headphone jack of an iPhone (or iPod Touch) and transfers the credit card's swipe data to the app (pictured, right). After the employee enters the amount to charge, the customer confirms by scrawling their signature with their finger and then either one enters the....

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